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The Heeler + Border Collie Class

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  • Santa Maria, CA

Service Description

Your Heeler or Border Collie is brilliant. That's a given. But as smart as they are, they might not have yet figured out that you don't like being herded like the cattle and sheep they were bred to herd and protect. Let's teach them how to use their minds and senses to work on other things besides herding or being overprotective. We'll also work on basic manners, leash manners, and any other specific behaviors and skills you would like your dog to have. Classes run for 4 weeks! / Tu Heeler o Border Collie es genial. Eso es un hecho. Pero a pesar de lo inteligentes que son, es posible que aún no se hayan dado cuenta de que a usted no le gusta que lo arreen como el ganado y las ovejas que fueron criados para pastorear y proteger. Enseñémosles cómo usar sus mentes y sentidos para trabajar en otras cosas además de pastorear o ser sobreprotectores. También trabajaremos en modales básicos, modales con correa y cualquier otro comportamiento y habilidad específica que le gustaría que tuviera su perro. ¡Las clases duran 4 semanas!

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule, please contact us within 48 hours of your first class. Para cancelar o reprogramar, contáctenos dentro de las 48 horas de su primera clase.

Contact Details


1060 Village Drive, Orcutt, CA, USA

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The Service and all materials therein or transferred thereby, including, without limitation, images, text, graphics, logos, Los Lukes Logo, Los Lukes Word Mark, trademarks, service marks, copyrights, photographs, audio, videos, music and all Intellectual Property Rights related thereto, are the exclusive property of Los Lukes, LLC. Except as explicitly provided herein, nothing in these Terms shall be deemed to create a license in or under any such Intellectual Property Rights, and you agree not to sell, license, rent, modify, distribute, copy, reproduce, transmit, publicly display, publicly perform, publish, adapt, edit or create derivative works thereof.

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